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Arrangements for 2023 - 2024
​The Youth Club will reopen on Monday 11th September 2023. Please fill in the relevant registration form(s) below; ensure that you are filling in the registration form for the year ahead (e.g. if your child is entering P5 in September, fill in the P5 form). There will be no Senior Youth Club this year (Year 9 - Year 12). If you have any questions, please contact the Youth Club Coordinator, Anthony McSwiggan (07711817733).
​P3 & P4 Club Information:
Club Leader(s): Anthony McSwiggan & Wanda Mullan
Fridays: 6pm - 7.20pm (Annual Registration Fee: £20 & £2.50 per week).
​P5/P6 Club Information:
Club Leader: Colette McCusker
Mondays: 7:10pm - 8.30pm (Annual Registration Fee: £20 & £2.50 per week).
Terms & Conditions
You are required to register your child before they participate in any clubs/events organised by Drumquin Community Youth Centre. The cost of registration is £20. (Valid from 1st September 2023 - 31st August 2024).
By signing the registration form above, I agree to the terms and conditions set out below:
1) I will inform the Leader-in-charge (A McSwiggan) of any changes to my child’s health, medication or needs which could affect their participation in activities;
2) I will inform the Leader-in-charge of any changes in address or relevant numbers given below;
3) I will discuss with my child acceptable behaviour and insist they follow the rules of the Youth Club;
4) I will cooperate with the Youth Club in the implementation of its Child Protection Policy/Behaviour Policy and enforcement if and when necessary;
5) I understand that a Club Leader cannot stop my child from leaving the premises before the session has ended, so please ensure that your child understands the importance of staying in the premises until they are collected!
6) I understand that there is a strict "NO MOBILE PHONE POLICY" at the Youth Club, and if any child is deemed to be misusing a mobile phone during the Youth Club, a Club Leader reserves the right to remove the phone from the child until the club is over, whereupon the phone will be returned.
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